We are amongst the largest Importers of Bitumen in India and can supply Quality material on regular basis at the most competitive price. We can provide Imported Bitumen Grades VG 10, VG 30 and VG 40 packed in new steel drums (150Kg, 156Kg and 180Kg) as well as in Road Tankers across the country. We also export Bitumen to Africa, Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Bhutan and other SouthAsian countries.
What is Bitumen?
Bitumen is a mixture of Organic Liquids that are highly Viscous, Black, Sticky, Entirely Soluble in Carbon Disulfide, and composed primarily of highly condensed Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
Naturally occurring or crude bitumen is a sticky, tar-like form of petroleum which is so thick and heavy that it must be heated or diluted before it will flow. At room temperature, it is much like cold molasses. Refined Bitumen is the residual (bottom) fraction obtained by fractional distillation of crude oil. It is the heaviest fraction and the one with the highest boiling point, boiling at 525 °C.
Uses of Bitumen
The vast majority of bitumen is used in construction: primarily as a constituent of products used in paving and roofing applications. It is estimated that the current world use of bitumen is approximately 122 million tons per year. Approximately 85% of all the bitumen produced is used as the binder in asphalt for roads. A further 10% of global bitumen production is used in roofing applications, where its waterproofing qualities are invaluable. The remaining 5% of bitumen is used mainly for sealing and insulating purposes in a variety of building materials, such as pipe coatings, carpet tile backing and paint.
Bitumen Grades
Bitumen is available in a variety of grades. Specifications vary to meet the needs of the consuming industries and are based on a series of physical tests that define the safety, solubility, physical properties and durability of bitumen. The physical properties are designed to define performance characteristics that are required under the climatic and loading conditions that the bitumen will experience in service. Bitumen is graded according to standardized testing methods. These tests also give rise to two commonly used terms which describe the method of measurement, rather than a “type” of bitumen:
Penetration Graded Bitumen
Viscosity Graded Bitumen